Tag Archives: Gluten free

Getting it together…..


It’s been sometime that creating a blog has been floating around my mind but I just couldn’t seem to get it together.  I couldn’t come up with a name and when I did, it was taken.  Then I couldn’t get the fears out of my mind:  would I write anything that would make any sense or would anyone really read it.  So today I just decided to do it!  I didn’t have to meet anyone’s expectations (except my own), so here it goes, my entry into the blogging world!

I will likely blog about the way my passions and my life are knit together.  My passions in life are my family, different sorts of fiber (yarn and fabric), creations made by those fibers,and learning to live as a child of God’s.  Sometimes my life is enhanced by ministry or the funny antics of a growing littleman, while other times its restricted with having to follow a gluten free diet and living with chronic pain.  Regardless life is a journey and I invite you to journey with me and I pray we may learn from each other!