Tag Archives: sheep

Another Friday with Randomness


It’s hard to believe another Friday is here — so that mean’s it’s Friday Five time again over at Revgalblogpals.  Here’s today’s questions and ponderrings:

 Hello gals and pals,
It’s the second Friday of the month, and you know what that is~~~Random Friday Five! Have fun, and enjoy! (as always, let us know that you played in the comments–whether you play in the comments, link to your blog, or on Facebook!)

1. How do you sign off in your emails, professional and personally? For example, you say “Blessings”,
“Take Care”, “Remember, the Devil is watching you” (o.k. just kidding on that one.) Let us know and why…

2. If you were an animal TODAY, what is it and why?

3. If you get snarky, what triggers it? If you don’t get snarky, please, what is the secret?

4. Look up from your computer/tablet/phone screen. What is the first favorite thing your eyes land on. Describe it. (For example, I just did this, and my eyes landed on a little angel made out of multicolored wires whose head and wings are quite askew because of being chewed upon by my puppy. That aside, I love it because it was a gift from two little girls who came often to my office in my last call to play with all the tshotke on my table. They wanted to add to it.)

5. Do you have a favorite pair of socks? Tell us about them!


1.  Depends on the content and audience of my emails — for church stuff I almost always use Blessings, Pastor Kelly, for friends it might be blessings, might be love followed by Kelly or simply K.  I also have a signature line for my professional it has job title and contact info for my very personal account there is a knitting quote.

2.  I think my animal choice for today would be a dog because I could get lots of snuggles and yet if at a dog park — I’d be able to run free.  Both of which describe my complex being today.

3.  If I get snarky it should be worded for me — when I get snarky — mostly when I’m exhausted physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted.   But it can happen easily if my fibro is flaring and I’m full of pain and someone says something without thinking.

4.  Owls — I love owls and sheep and owls tend to decorate my bedroom so I have some clings on my walls and a knitted owl on my dresser.

5.  My favorite socks are the ones I knit but my really favorite are the ones I knit for Dear Husband, littleman and I — yup we all have matching socks.  



A Few of My Favorite things….


Over at RevGals the Friday Five is up.  What is your favorite:

1. food

2. drink

3. animal

4. color

5. time of day

Bonus: Any favorite you haven’t mentioned above that you want to bring up! 

1.  Food:  Ice cream and Nice bars

2.  Drink:  Coke or milk

3.  Animal:   Owl, sheep, turtles but to own a dog!

4.  Color: Pink

5.  Time of Day:  nap time