Tag Archives: gratitude

Gratitude Day 4


On December 21, 2005 the Moore Family changed forever!  That’s the day that this charming almost 5 pound baby entered into this world – already making silly faces.  Since that day he has been the love of his daddy and my hearts.  He rules our home and pretty much our lives.  Our lives could not be more glourious.

He entered into our lives quite suddenly, with just 6 short days to prepare for his arrival (let me say, I believe there is a reason God created women to be preganant for 9 months).  There’s a lot to do in 6 days.  However, they were 6 days filled with thanksgiving and praise.   The child we had prayed long and hard for was now about to make his arrival in the world almost unknown – yup in the ambulance, that had to pull off the highway to have 2 paramedics be able to deliver him.  He came out with zeal.

His zeal and love of life has never been dampened.   We are grateful for the way he shows compasssion for animals and people.   For the ways in which he graciously engages others in conversation and the way he strives to do his best at most everything.

He’s always loved golf, from a tiny toddler, when given the opportunity to have any toy at walmart (Grandma was brave), he wanted plastic golf clubs.  Let’s just say, his golf clubs have gotten a tad bit more expensive as the years have gone by.  Yet how thankful we are that he has taken to a sport that will serve him well in life – wherever he will go.  He’s taught important life skills along with the skills of the game.  To say, we are thankful for First Tee of the Triad is a huge understatement.  They have given him a foundation that will be built upon for many years to come.    Lastly, we are proud that he remembers his Gramps as he talks about golf or gets ready to head out to the Tanglewood to a First Tee Practice or Game.  Something that will always remind him of his Gramps –  for that keeps his memory and love alive and for that we are thankful.

We have been blessed beyond measure by this now 11 year old tween living in our house.  I thank God for him daily and pray that God will continue to direct his paths in the way he should go, making wise and sound decisions each step of the way.  Littleman, mommy and dadddy are super thankful God blessed us with you!


Gratitude Day 2


June 28, 1998 and May 16, 2004 are dates of great importance to me.  No they are not the day that Joe proposed to me and the day we got married – that would have made for a LONG engagement.

FullSizeRenderOn the first of these days I was ordained a deacon in the Moravian Church.  A day filled with joy as I officially entered into ministry that I had long since been called to.  Normally an ordination service, in the Moravian Church, happens in the afternoon so that all the local pastors can be there to celebrate with the soon to be ordained.  However, because of circumstances at the church my service was unique and was held during morning worship on June 28, 1998 by the Rev. Percy Henkleman.  As the ordinand is presented to the bishop for ordination 3 people accompany them, a member of the Provincial Elder’s Conference (the Moravian Church’s governing body), a member of the laity and a member of the clergy.  At one point, I believed that my husband, ordained just 2 weeks before, would be the clergy walking me to the alter, until one of my former pastors Rev. Steve Ghodes arrived and surprised me.  To say joy filled my heart was an understatement (I wanted Joe to be my husband and not playing duel roles, not to mention what a surprise I had just been given).  I’m forever grateful for the ministry to which I have been called.

Joe and I would go on to serve our first congregation together as co-pastors in at Palmyra Moravian Church, in Cinnaminson, NJ.  That’s part two of my gratitude.  They allowed us to learn and grow.   They accepted our short comings and rejoiced at our successes.  We were truly blessed to serve as their pastors.  When it was time for us to bid our goodbyes may tears were shed because of the work that God had allowed us to do together.  Yet, onward we had to go.

It was during our time serving at Mayodan Moravian Church (whe

re the Mayo River meets the Dan River) that we were consecrated presbyters in the Moravian church onMay 16, 2004 by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Wayne Burkette.  Perhaps the first and

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so far only consecration of a couple in the Southern Province of the Moravian Church.   This consecration service was an a
ffirmation of our ministry

in the Moravian Church and our opportunity to reaffirm our call to continued ordained ministry within the life of the church.  Joe and I remain grateful for this day and those who celebrated it with us.

Life in ministry has had it’s up’s and down’s – as with anything.  I can’t imagine doing anything but ministry.  Even though at this time, I’m not officially serving serving under call, at times, I feel as though I’m serving more under call than ever.  As I participate and chair a couple of committee’s, I preach at different church’s – both ELCA and Moravian – almost every Sunday, I teach Sunday School, and my list could go on.  As a very wise pastor recently told me: ” God has called you; God will lead you; God will open new ways to serve.”