Tag Archives: yarn

A Season of Thanksgiving


Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada and for several years I’ve practiced what I call a Season of Thanksgiving.  A season that goes from Canadian Thanksgiving through Americian Thanksgiving.  We have much to be thankful for and it seems like thanksgiving just get’s lost between Halloween and Christmas.  Even when we are in the midst of our own dakness or dispair there’s something to be thankful for – for we worship a God who grants us grace and unconditional love every second of every day.  So I challenge you to join me in my thanksgiving journey.

Today I start off with a thanksgiving that just sort of fell into my lap last night because off facebook.  When we served in GA I was a member of a knitting group that meet every Friday evening to knit, crochet, (sometimes spin yarn) but always share together.  Share lifes joys and lifes sorrow.  We were an ecclectic group – I’m still not sure how to describe us other than a group of compassionate fiber loving friends.  I’m thankful for all this group of ladies did for me while I lived in GA but more specfically I’m grateful for the opportunity to reunite with them next weekend.

Every year at the agriculture center outside of Asheville there is a fiber festive that is miainly hand spun and hand dyed yarn.   Booths full of roving for spinning and felting and every tool imaginable to fiber loving people.   I’ve been a couple of times and ran into folks from my GA group but never have I stayed with them but this year that’s changing.  I’m going up Friday evening and coming back Saturday.  Im super excctied after the exhauusting weeks we’ve had arouund here it will be nice to just hang with some good friends and make some new friends.  

So today I’m thankful for fiber loving friends from GA!

Another Friday with Randomness


It’s hard to believe another Friday is here — so that mean’s it’s Friday Five time again over at Revgalblogpals.  Here’s today’s questions and ponderrings:

 Hello gals and pals,
It’s the second Friday of the month, and you know what that is~~~Random Friday Five! Have fun, and enjoy! (as always, let us know that you played in the comments–whether you play in the comments, link to your blog, or on Facebook!)

1. How do you sign off in your emails, professional and personally? For example, you say “Blessings”,
“Take Care”, “Remember, the Devil is watching you” (o.k. just kidding on that one.) Let us know and why…

2. If you were an animal TODAY, what is it and why?

3. If you get snarky, what triggers it? If you don’t get snarky, please, what is the secret?

4. Look up from your computer/tablet/phone screen. What is the first favorite thing your eyes land on. Describe it. (For example, I just did this, and my eyes landed on a little angel made out of multicolored wires whose head and wings are quite askew because of being chewed upon by my puppy. That aside, I love it because it was a gift from two little girls who came often to my office in my last call to play with all the tshotke on my table. They wanted to add to it.)

5. Do you have a favorite pair of socks? Tell us about them!


1.  Depends on the content and audience of my emails — for church stuff I almost always use Blessings, Pastor Kelly, for friends it might be blessings, might be love followed by Kelly or simply K.  I also have a signature line for my professional it has job title and contact info for my very personal account there is a knitting quote.

2.  I think my animal choice for today would be a dog because I could get lots of snuggles and yet if at a dog park — I’d be able to run free.  Both of which describe my complex being today.

3.  If I get snarky it should be worded for me — when I get snarky — mostly when I’m exhausted physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted.   But it can happen easily if my fibro is flaring and I’m full of pain and someone says something without thinking.

4.  Owls — I love owls and sheep and owls tend to decorate my bedroom so I have some clings on my walls and a knitted owl on my dresser.

5.  My favorite socks are the ones I knit but my really favorite are the ones I knit for Dear Husband, littleman and I — yup we all have matching socks.  



Another Year


It’s hard for me to believe that today is the last day of being 40.  Turning 41 seems like a bigger deal than turning 40.  I guess because I feel as if I have been through a year of physical challenges and the emotional ones that go along with it and at some level hope this isn’t what all years will look like.  But I’m taking this day to begin a New Years resolution of sorts – making changes in the way that I handle life around me.  Some of those changes may be a bit scary and some of them come with a sense of relief.  If I want to live another 40 years I know that it’s time to put into practice some of the very things that I tell those I pastor on a regular basis.  It’s time to do some things that refresh me and allow my energy and God’s love and grace to flow throw me.  

During the past year my life seemingly fell apart, childhood trauma hit me again and this time as a flying brick coming out of no where.  I wasn’t expecting it to rehaunt my life but it did and it forced me into a major depressive episode which led to new meds and a new therapist.  It also was the leading cause in a medical leave of absence from the church I serve.  One of the toughest things I had to do was to stop being a pastor to others and allow some to care for me.  It wasn’t long after my return to work that I had a hysterectomy and appendectomy – another tough and emotional event.   As my 40th year was drawing to a close I returned to Canada to officiate at my grandfather’s funeral.  This proved to be a time filled with great blessing and a time of sadness as I learnt new things about my family of origin and yet was blessed with a reunion of sorts with my Aunt, Uncle,and cousins and got to meet an Aunt I’d never met.  I hope that these new and reformed relationships will grow as time goes by. I celebrated my 16th year of ordination and thus faithful service to the Moravian Church – service to a God I love and a church I deeply appreciate and care for.  

So today I spent time not only looking back over the past year but more looking into the year that lies ahead.  This morning I spent some time with my counselor and I can’t begin to emphasize how much of a life saver she was as I travelled through this past year (and I can’t help but say if you are considering getting a counselor – do it, it just might save your life too but at the very least it will enrich it).  This afternoon I’ll spend some time learning about continued ways to serve the church and this evening will be topped off with some time of doing what I love to do most knitting!

As I enter a new year of life I pray that I may more fully become the person that God created and continues to create and call me to be.  I know that takes a commitment on my part to tend to myself – my whole self- body, spirit and mind.  I make this commitment and look forward to watching the ways that will help me to grow.  I look forward to creating more (hopefully finishing my first knitted sweater), coloring more, taking time to take more pictures and letting the spirit recreate and create a new in me.  I certainly look forward to enhancing my ability to minister and going on my first cruise in February with other revgals.  Lastly, I look forward to a more uplifting year filled with the peace and hope that comes when claimed as a child of God! 


Organizational Style – Friday Five Style


What a fun Friday Five over at RevGal’s this week.  Being organized is something I long to be but never quite acheive.  Everytime we move I vow it should be different here but after a few months some rooms are unorganized again — it’s like some rooms are just bound to be a chaos.  So if you feel like playing along with this week’s Friday Five please do but let me know in the comment section.  Who knows maybe together we can all have organized dwelling places – here’s what it says and the challenge on the RevGals sit:

“My daughter told me that she and her partner have different ways of organizing: my daughter puts it all in a pile, while her spouse files it. My daughter is definitely connected to me, as I tend to be a stacker of papers, photos, letters, books, clothes, etc. I am wanting to get rid of some of these piles, which I periodically do. Instead of rearranging them, I need to recycle them. So for this Friday Five, Let’s look at our organizational skills and/or clutter:

1. How do you organize? Is there a difference with various objects?

2. Do you have any cluttered spots in your office or home? Describe.

3. What do you organize well? And not?

4. What do you wish to de-clutter?

5. Accomplishments in organizing or de-cluttering:”


Here are my attempts of answers:

1.  My organization tends to differ from room to room, depending on what is in the room and what the room is used for.  However, generally I tend to organize things with like items.  For example legos are together and an attempt is made to go by color with the bricks and like items with each other (wheels with wheels etc).

2.  There are several cluttered spots in my home and office (which is in our home).  Mostly the clutter comes in piles on my office table and the spot where we keep stuff from Littleman’s school (work, take home papers, stuff from his Tuesday folder).  And the garage/laundry room seems to always be out of control – not to mention littleman’s playroom.

3.  I think for the most part my yarn and my sewing/craft room are organized better than anything.  My yarn get’s the cedar closet on the level we mostly live on.  It’s organized by fiber content and then some is organized by project or with matching skeins.  I could live in this closet I love the colors!  Likewise my sewing/craft room which is on the lower level or basement is usually organized like item with like item or material by fiber content or season.  However the disclaimer for this room is that it often gets items dumped it in when there seems to be no where else to put it.  So every so often I have to sort through a pile or two.   What don’t I organize well?  Certainly Littleman’s things especially clothes and toys.  I tend to have clothes sorted but never want t part with them. Which is beyond crazy I know because he’s never going to be that small again and I can’t keep them forever (maybe this blog post will inspire me to do something with the baskets in his room).  As for toys, similar things happen, I don’t want to get rid of them because they have such happy memories with them.  Not to mention the fact that as soon as I think I can get rid of them, he pulls them out to play with.  His playroom (along with the family room) are filled with toys.  Time to declutter those areas but who wants to help?  

4.  What do I want to de-clutter?  I think that answer came out in the end of #3 but in order to do that I need to have a couple of days where I have some energy and perhaps a little help not to mention for them to be littleman free.

5.  Accomplishments — well thankfully as a pastor I’ve moved enough for us to declutter every now and then because of weight restrictions on the move.  So well my house isn’t up for Better Homes and Garden or HGTV it’s not up for Hoarders either.


Themeless Friday Five



It’s Friday which means over at Revgals it’s…Friday Five time, here’s my attempt this week:

Hi gals and pals~~

Happy Friday to you! I don’t have a theme this week, but just a variety of questions for your writing pleasure…

1) How are you? What’s taking up your mind-heart space these days?

2) It’s St. Patrick’s Day on Monday~~will you celebrate or give a nod to it?

3) My colleague is a voracious morning reader of blogs, online news, articles, etc. What, besides RevGalBlogPals, do you look at frequently, if not daily?

4) I got nothin’ here. This is a free for all. Just tell us something!

5) Use these words in a sentence or two: map, magazine, sing, baby sloth, knit, penguin, love, weep, mountain, and messenger bag.

Have fun!

1.  Having just had a hysterectomy I’ve been thinking a lot about babies and how I will no longer be able to give birth nor was I ever able to give birth to a biological child.  Certainly adoption is a birthing process of a different kind.   

2.  Is there an official way to celebrate St. Patricks Day?   I guess some drink green beer and eat special food.  I’ll likely just wear soemthing green and send my littleman to school wearing something green.  

3.  I certainly check Facebook and Ravelry (a knitting and crocheting social network) multiple times a day.  I also daily turn it the Moravian Daily Text as my devotional guidance for the day.  I’m not much of a blog reader, unless someone links to one on Facebook or on Revgals and then I often read them.

4.   Most people know I love to knit but I also love to take pictures.  I wish I had the time and money to take some classes and if ever I am not a preacher a photographer I would like to be.  Pictures are beautiful expressions and stories.  I wish I had found a good Lenten photo a day practice to participate in.

5.  Wow this is a tough one. ….. Here goes my try…….. I set out today with just a map, magazine and some basic knitting supplies tucked in my trusty messenger bag, I quickly found myself heading towards a hiking trail on one of the local mountains – I weep as I climb as my heart is heavy.   Coming to a clearing I find that love has replaced the weeping and I knit a baby sloth and a penguin as I sing with a lighter heart.

Love and Friday Five


It’s Friday Five time over at RevGals — well I’m a day late but never to late to play.  Today’s theme is love and here’s what they say about Friday Five over on the revgals page:

Hello Gals and Pals,

Happy Valentine’s Day! I know that some (a lot) of you are digging out from snow and ice and lack of electricity. We feel for you, and love you! Some of you have a love-hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. ‘Nuff said. I happen to enjoy Valentine’s Day in spite of having exactly one date ever on VD (before I was married). I love celebrating Love! So, all that is to say is that our Friday Five is to tell us about five random things that you love.

 How in the world can I limit all the things I love to 5?  Well here goes, in no particular order and I’m taking the first 5 that come to mind, now that doessn’t mean that I love these 5 more than what my next 5 might be ~ just 5 loves of mine:

1.  My Boys — my 40 something boy and my 8 year old.  They take care of me when I’m not feeling well and they plot against me at other times.  In fact they are the ones behind my valentines diner that you see pictured above.  Both of them bring such Joy to my life each day and I thank God daily for blessing my life with them.  Guess i love them so much that they tend to appear in most of my blog posts.   

2.  I love being a pastor (most of the time).  You know it’s not a job but a calling when you truly love doing what you do and when the thought of not doing it any more brings great distress.  Certainly there are times when I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into and then I remember that I haven’t gotten myself into anything that it is God who has called me and with God’s help I’ll find my way out.  Then there are times that I know I’m standing on sacred ground and am blessed beyond measure to share in the holiness of folks lives.

3.  Chocolate – I love Chocolate.  I especially love chocolate and almonds.  That’s some yummy stuff and that’s all I can say because now I want some and theres none in the house.

4.  I love the color PINK.  It makes me happy.

5.   I love fiber — not the fiber that you eat but the fiber that is used to create beautiful, unique creations.  I’m talking fiber that is spun into yarn and some woven into fabric.  I have plenty of both but tend to use the kind that is spun into yarn because I also love knitting.  Speaking of which, I’ve got some projects that are calling me name.